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An Evening with Walter Schmoranz, President/Winemaker: Pelee Island Winery

Pelee Island Winery is located in Kingsville, Ontario. At just under 42 degrees North, Pelee Island is at a latitude similar to that of Rioja, Spain, Porto, Portugal, Provence, France, and Tuscany, Italy, other great winemaking regions.

At over 700 acres of vineyards, Pelee Island Winery is the largest private estate winery in Canada.

Considered one of Canada’s winemaking pioneers, Walter Schmoranz was born in Ruedesheim, Germany; one of the world’s finest winemaking regions. In 1986, he joined Pelee Island Winery where his experience and skills have led to Pelee Island Winery winning hundreds of awards around the world. Walter currently sits on the board of the VQA and heads several committees at the Wine Council of Ontario.

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